The high cost of office clutter—and what to do about it


Do you believe that office clutter increases creativity?

It’s actually quite the opposite. Studies show that workplace clutter can be harmful to your physical & mental health, your workplace performance, and your employer’s bottom line. It's time to ditch the clutter and create a peaceful workspace that works with you, not against you.

It's time to ditch the clutter and create a peaceful workspace that works with you, not against you.

A cluttered workspace forces us to waste time looking for lost items and information. We may end up doing duplicate work to replace what we can't find. And wasted time means wasted money.

When we’re distracted by a cluttered environment, we lose our focus. The result: errors, reduced productivity, the loss of our creativity and our ability to problem-solve. In other words, clutter makes it harder to get things done, and can lead to reduced quality of work.

Clutter also affects how others perceive us. A messy office (seen in person or via Zoom) by coworkers & supervisors could be viewed as a sign of a poor work ethic or poor time management skills. This could result in a lack of confidence and trust, and could adversely impact your career.

Clutter can lead to negative feelings about work, according to a recent study. Feeling stressed or burnout at work can also lead to clutter. Clutter can be part of a vicious cycle. Stress leads to an office that is cluttered, which leads to more stress because of not being able to find things or keep track of work progress, which leads to not having the mental energy to tidy up, and the clutter may worsen.

With many people working partly or full-time from home, our living spaces are often forced to do double duty. It’s even more important to stay on top of clutter and maintain an environment that supports us and makes our work days easier, not harder.

What can help?

Just like with home clutter, office clutter happens for one of two reasons: We fail to return items to their home, or it’s not clear where the items belong. To tidy up, use these steps: Sort items by category, use a container to keep similar items together, and choose where the items should be stored. Use labels to make it easier to find things, and as a reminder to return things to their places.

Common types of office clutter


Office supplies: Only keep what you’re currently and regularly using on your desk. Choose a home for these items, whether it’s a drawer or a container. Find another home for “back stock” (such as in a shelf or cabinet)—again, using containers to keep similar items together.

Paper clutter: Only print when you really need a hard copy. Have a designated inbox for incoming papers. Shred or recycle duplicates and outdated papers as soon as possible. Make sure each paper has a home. Discard papers that have no clear purpose.

Make filing easy by having file folders readily accessible nearby. Some people get hung up on not being able to file anything until the folder is labeled. If this describes you, keep your labelmaker (or a sharpie) close at hand for this purpose.

Clutter under the desk: Extra supplies, old technology items, and miscellaneous objects too large to keep on your desktop may tend to accumulate under your desk. Revisit this area on a regular basis to make sure it doesn’t become a dumping ground. If other people are dropping items off at your desk, have a designated box or bin for this purpose.

Drawer clutter:  To avoid having drawers full of miscellaneous office clutter that you must then rummage around in to find things, use the containment strategy. Contain office supplies and other items by category, using small bins, baskets or boxes inside a drawer. Rubber bands and ziplock bags can also be helpful. If you have a number of drawers that need tidying up, pick one a day and use the basic tidying procedure under “What Can Help?” above.


Personal items: Many people display personal items on their desks, such as family photos, childrens’ artwork, mementos from professional conferences, funny gifts from the last office party, and other personal items. These items feel important to us, but they can also contribute to clutter and distraction in our workspace.

One strategy is to remove them temporarily, and try working for a week or two without the items visible. Many people are surprised at how much less distracted and more peaceful they feel. It can also help to limit personal items to just a few really important ones, or to periodically rotate the items you display.

Banish clutter and reclaim your workspace

Clutter isn’t just superficial. It hurts us physically, mentally and emotionally. It affects how our colleagues & supervisors see us, can negatively impact our performance and our job satisfaction, and can even affect us financially. But there’s hope! Using simple organizing tips and skills, we can get clutter under control and reclaim a more peaceful and productive workspace. 

Want to banish office clutter and create a workspace that works for you? I’m here to help. Reach out for your free 30-minute consultation. 🌱